Sign Waving Machine $99.00 Gets You Started

Sign Waving Machine $99.00 Gets You Started
Sign Waving Machines Secrets Style Service

Friday, March 27, 2015

SignTastic Machines appreciates the hardships and daily struggles of the small business owner, trying their best to attract new customers while keeping the others loyal and earning a reasonable profit at the same time. As the inventor of the SignTastic Sign Spinner Sign Waving Machine it seems that my simple invention will be a great success. The SignTastic Sign Waving Spinning Machine has been called "the magic wand of street advertising" so we're very confident that my machine is the little idea that will make you big money.

SignTastic Machines appreciates the hardships and daily struggles of the small business owner, trying their best to attract new customers while keeping the others loyal and earning a reasonable profit at the same time.

As the inventor of the SignTastic Sign Spinner Sign Waving Machine it seems that my simple invention will be a great success.

The SignTastic Sign Waving Spinning Machine has  been called "the magic wand of street advertising" so we're very confident that my machine is the little idea that will make you big money.

As the inventor, designer and owner of SignTastic Machines we have also sponsored a standalone Advertising and Marketing Clinic for small business owners that you may enjoy and appreciate.  

You'll find out like our other sign waving machine customers that there's no magic wand you can wave and suddenly get rich but there is a switch that you can "turn on" to increase sales and net profits.

You don't need a big account to purchase  your own SignTastic Sign Waving Sign Spinner Machine but on the other hand my patent pending contract protected machine may make you a millionaire.

You can smile because you can make a lot more money by using sign waving sign spinning to attract more customers, quickly and easily and have some fun at the same time.

The first working model of the SignTastic Sign Waving Machine made a lot of engineers, scientists, machinists and others smile.  It seems that my sign waving machine is a very important invention to small business owners.

The other so-called sign waving machines, sign spinning machines, mannequin waving machines etc are very expensive crude contraptions that fail the test of safety which should be a major concern of any small business owner.

Imagine looking at the original automobile called the horseless buggy and you would agree that safety and performance levels have come a long way.  The original sign waving machine reminded our engineers of  the first horseless buggy, kind of neat, maybe just another crackpot mechanics crazy machine but, it did wave a sign.

As the SignTastic Sign Waving machine is placed within the Aviation industry, Radio industry, Automobile industry, Movie industry and even the Television industry along with Retail Store segments the safety of our SignTastic Machine was the very first order of business.

You can look at the original sign waving machine, at least by name, and just imagine the unsuccessful experiments.  Of course, the many sign waving machine failures have been forgotten because the SignTastic Sign Waving Machine of today. 

Some describe my design and ultimate invention as a "brilliantly conceived machine"  The machine itself can help you hit your own "pay dirt" and increase your customer head count, gross revenue and net profits which is the value of the machine.

While apparently very simple the SignTastic Sign Waving Spinner Machine will help you attract new customers and extract gross revenue dollars and make a profit.  Every intelligent person understands that motion or some kind of movement attracts attention.  If you place two signs in front of your store, one motionless and one in motion by waving the difference in sign performance will amaze you.

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