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Sign Waving Machine $99.00 Gets You Started
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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

By Gregory Bodenhamer - All Rights Reserved Copyright Protected Contract Protected Write StrategicMoney@Live.Com for further information. NDITC Allowing the driver to drive without directions. Missing important milestone markers causes confusion and business hazards. Without clear directions, objectives and time lines the likelihood of your business plan becoming lost is the real hazard. Before any business adventure, stop, plan, measure and assure you know where you’re going first. Before you start running away trying to lower costs, increase gross sales, improve associates and grow your business make sure you’re on the boulevard of success.

By Gregory Bodenhamer - All Rights Reserved Copyright Protected Contract Protected

 Write StrategicMoney@Live.Com for further information. NDITC

Allowing the driver to drive without directions.
Missing important milestone markers causes confusion and business hazards.  Without clear directions, objectives and time lines the likelihood of your business plan becoming lost is the real hazard.  Before any business adventure, stop, plan, measure and assure you know where you’re going first.  Before you start running away trying to lower costs, increase gross sales, improve associates and grow your business make sure you’re on the boulevard of success.

There is no such thing has a Happy Prisoner.
You cannot expect a captive not to run away.  Often times your employees become the Hostage due to your policies, procedures and methods so they emotionally and psychologically keep their distance while you lose productivity, compliance, sales and profits.  The majority of employees are physically with you but their intelligence is never truly applied.  If you keep them locked up in cubicles, excel spread sheets, conference rooms, blackberry’s and time lines they will get away, cause diversion, start distractions and most likely flee with your beautiful white horse you call the business plan.

Your expedition will require many crossings.
Your people will ride with you, crossing wherever  you may point them but their real drive will come from watching you going before them.  You can sit on top of your powerful horsepower and point and they will not really take the trip even though it appears they are with you.  Pointing  is not leading and leadership is not pointing. The feature and aspect of leadership, often forgotten and elapsed into history is the central theme of daring, fearlessness and courageous leadership behavior.  If you defy problems, face competition, stand up to injustice, they will follow.

Managers confuse the word diversity.
Dissimilar, Distinct and Separate people make your customer base and employee base.  Most managers and all supervisors confuse diversity of backgrounds, traditions, philosophy with skin color.  Your company is a society of people, your own civilization and women in the workplace makes your powerful, changes the way you look at things, offers the refinement of attitude, approach and viewpoint.  If you don’t have girl power in your mind-set and business plan you are posturing for future failure.  Forget color, height, age, weight, religion, sex and capture the law-abiding and reliable power of performance and diversity.

It’s Never Too Late To Mend Your Presentation.
Your old style presentations are killing you, offending the brain power of your employees and the messages are confused.  You can give better presentation talks, lectures and seminars by learning how to use powerful imagery,  fine art for metaphors and descriptions. Persistent Human Development Touring Company helps you learn how to describe, sell, persuade and influence, literally, vividly, expressively with symbolism that represent the real things, to your real people.

A Mental Whack Picks Them Up.
Change their mind and actions by thumping their brain with innovative, fresh ideas.  Once you hit them with warnings and suspensions they very seldom or hardly ever stand up straight again since fear, anxiety over takes their mind with concern, worry and dread.

Look Around and Witness – Appreciate –Grasp
the Constant Shifting Changes Around You.
Altering your business message will adjust your results.  Change is a rework, a correction of something, the revision or modification of a process, thought, idea, planning step and your presentations must imitate what’s in your mind.  You must change their thinking and expose them to your thought energy, signal them to what you want, display and manifest the companies, customers and employee associate future.  The Art Echo repeats, comes back, ricochets around your business and their minds for days, months, years, forever and you must summarize your future profits with images and words as to annex space in their minds.

Your Business Plan – Your Future Punishment
Your plan and actions, stretched out into the future is the verdict of everything.  One little idea, from the slightest little character might be the thought, idea, action step that frees you from the repression of your thinking and deeds. Many people, ownership, executives, managers and supervisors hop over the little idea, bounce off your planning and leave out many of your action steps, missing out, paying more and prancing over profits.  Eavesdrop on your people, listen in on the little idea and pay attention to the people doing all the work, the customer comments and free your business with better planning, enhanced actions. Change is for the better. advance and develop the little plan, execute and put into action that little gift from your employees and customers and at no cost.

The Finish Is Often The Beginning.
The ending of a product, employee relationship, business plan or action step might be best described as a vanishing.  Older thoughts or ideas never really end they simply evaporate until some manifestation in the future. The departure of senior people, process controls, theory, applications and managers are often manifested by the onset of fear.  The leaving or ending of customers and employees makes you cheerless and depressing to other people.  Realize that people must move on to keep your company moving.  Products must be scrap at some point to allow room for creation.  Don’t let the ending spoil your future.  Don’t let the old demolish the new.  The exit is also the entrance and the door always and forever swings both ways.  So, enjoy your access to the future.

There Is Only One Big Dog And It Should Bite.
Accountability should be the enormous animal inside your kennel club and it should, until the end of time, nibble and gnaw at poor performance.  Accountability makes you answerable and responsible and also liable for your results. We’re not talking about blaming, faulting or condemning people we’re speaking about crediting the good and putting in place change to put right the deficient.  Many organizations do not hold people accountable which makes their organization corrupt and immoral.  Faulty products, defective merchandise, substandard customer services are wicked and will cause your failure.  Accountability keeps you honorable and candid about productivity, quality output and all honest dealings.

A Lazy Man Is Smoldering His Potential.
The energetic business leader rests at home, enjoys his family and friends and is never deskbound at work.  The weary and tired need to rest, enjoy and take pleasure in private time to calm down, unwind or simply put their feet up.  By no means and in no way can you rest or simply put your feet up while at work.  The deskbound owner, executive or manager  is supposed lazy and worthless.  So stand up, take-off and walk your business, impression by action is inspiring and notable.  If you want to be exciting and stirring, imposing and inspiring, the remarkable walk and talk plan has never failed.

Productivity – The Time Management Police
We have a very small amount of time to be leaders, barely enough it seems to check on the major parts of life and business.  Don’t waste your time on the trivial, slight or petty people inside your business.  Most managers spend a modest amount of time with their great people and a large amount with the tiny contributors.  If you spend your time trying to run down every good for northing irresponsible, worthless bum on your payroll your great people are excessively harmed.  Pay attention to hard working, caring and persistently good people, because if you don’t, they form the opinion that you think, that they’re bums.  If you’re not careful it seems that simply chasing bums around your business, creates lost time, hurt feelings and aggravates your good people.

Consulting Advice Discussion
Accept the notion that you’re not the first manager and do not operate the first business.  Management consulting experts can increase your awareness, appreciation of people, renew your purpose while at the same time helping you feel human again.  The impulse you have to do it alone, follow your instincts, I’ve been there and done that, are the urges that lead you down the wrong side road. Consulting Experts are specialists, and have professional, practiced and proficient knowledge that will help the inexperienced or the gone astray manager become the success.

There is only
and dozens of side roads and toll roads that will get you lost, cost you money and bewilder your plan. As a Fortune 500 Specialist Group we have taught thousands of people how to plan, start and maintain their own profitable small business.  If you can accept the simple idea that you're not the first person to have a great idea, a different way of doing business or even a great invention of your own, you're in the right place for a very profitable future, a strategic money making future.

Write StrategicMoney@Live.Com for further information.

You Have To Pick Just One – Your Vision
You must be able to choose your own privileged vision.  What do you desire, crave, require and really need must be included in your vision.  The hope and opportunity of your future depends on your outlook or the mental vision you have. You’re going to have lots of choices that are your options and alternatives that span your career.  There is a great deal of wealth in choice so picking your future will always be the daily event.
Exchanging Blows & Stand Up Fighting
The contest is not always fair, some people box when they wrestle and some wrestling matches twist into boxing battles.  The opposition must be faced standing up and you can never back up or let go.  The little battles hardly take any of your time.  The big battles, when someone must wrestle the bear, it must be you.  Never hand over the bear and never deputize another fighter because you’re too busy, seize the bear and take hold of the big problems.  It’s your battle.

Magical - Fairy-Tale Cures Are Illusions
Trickery, sleight of hand and enchanting is common in business.  The captivating, charming and astonishing solutions are run of the mill and 97 percent of them never  remove the actual drudgery or the excitement of operating your own business.  False promise, hoax ideas, fake programs used to be poured into sure cure bottles and sold for a dollar.  The real cure for improvement are your skills, abilities and proficiency.  You must become the expert on business principles, your skillfulness is the cure.

Excel Spread Sheets Cannot Replace Ingenuity
Hundreds of thousands, most like millions of managers, are pounding on Excel Spreadsheets right now, looking for that cunning solution.  If you want to be the absolute best, remove slowness and add swiftness go out and watch the crane pick up the material.  Talk to the clever operator, check to see if the supervisor is alert, watch the rapidity of worker movement and verify promptness in decision making.  Go out and work in the trade, deal with problems, partner up with real time solutions.

Pink Slip’s,  Prosperity and Guarantee’s
Do not make the mistake to assure or guarantee employment of another human being.  If you pledge your word and guarantee employment to another at one time or another you will become the phony.  The world is full of impostor managers, fakes, frauds and hypocrites so don’t become another one.  Once you become the phony, no matter what you do, what you say or how good you really become, you’ll always be known and regarded as the phony.  You cannot pretend in business. You cannot guarantee employment, you can work, strive and take actions to gain prosperity with the help of other people.  When things get rough and touch, always tell the truth, only the truth.

You Only Sleep In One Bed
Many C.E.O.’s make fortunes.  Fortune gives you affluence and it seems to lead to some lavishness, magnificent and luxury home, maybe more than one.  As you show off your richness and affluence you are on your way to poverty, hardship and distress, if you don’t die first.  The imperfection and shortcomings of wealth is that it takes thousands of poor people to make one rich man.  The completion and finishing point for your wealth is to help other people.  Your achievement will not come from having multiple homes, too many cars, private jets and treasures.  Your wealth will come from within, the place of reserves and the only possessions that matter, trust, affection, love, family and friends. 

Maneuver – Handle - Steer
Business murder happens every day.  You’re going down the road and all of a sudden you have a lethal problem.  You’re on the wrong side of the curve because you didn’t pay attention to the road signs. Your first action is to take extreme maneuvers to avoid the business death.  In a matter of seconds you’re in a dogfight with a competitor, government agency maybe a senior employee, unions, production output and quality.  If you had watched the signs, the curve was clearly posted, lower productivity, customer complaints, costs moving up, phones not being answered promptly, people late from lunch,  All the curve signs are there, see them.

Ambush - The Surprise Attack
The associates you had lunch with yesterday are in the conference room right now, wanting more money, stock options and they lie in wait for the right time to throw you the curve.  If they can occupy and dominate your business they can also overpower and overthrow you.  How could this be true?  The ambush trap of friendship is used every day.  The best solution is to have associates at work and friends at home.  The more they know about you, the person, the better they can dupe and deceive you and ambush you around some curve.  Acquaintances you work with and friends your trust.  The family tree is planted at home, not the work space, not in the conference room and never at the water cooler. Keep your private and personal information to yourself.

Glamour Sexy Photography Magazine
People love to talk about sex, femininity, masculinity and sexual characteristics.  It’s human nature, for girls and boys.  This biological impulse, the reproductive urge of the male or female has no place within the workplace, beyond the potted plants in your office.  Sexual activity thinking is not the same thing as sexual activity behavior. The anatomy of a woman can be striking.  Many evolutionary drives are at work at all times, and both the men and women play the game.  It’s the game of attraction that turns your head and breaks your concentration concerning important business matters.  Sexy Susie works for you and so does Sexy Ken, so let’s keep them in the trailer of your thoughts and keep working.

All Humans Enjoy Food & Friends
The people that have a meal together, stay together.  To have a lunch or a cup of tea with another person is a very physically and psychologically powerful event.  A robust and durable relationship always includes food, beverage and companionship.  People, by human nature, are lonely and quickly feel isolated.  Having an associate to lunch turns them from a lonely worker to a willing helper.  If you have the time and just a few bucks take the time to nourish your associates with words and food.  Give food to the hungry and provide for one of their basic instincts and watch them move closer to you, again and again, bite after bite.

The Pursuit Of Leisure
Entertainment is the mental diversion and relaxation from reality.  Leisure or Hobby time puts your mind and problems on the sideline.  Every human has a diversion from reality.  It might be reading, knitting, watching movies, riding a bike, water sports or even working.  People pursue entertainment, amusement, leisure and simply fun time.  Most people spend most of their money on some form of diversion or alteration from their present reality.  Discover their hobbies, include activities, contests, talking points and encourage, sponsor and put forward the action steps to advertise that you believe in leisure and fun for all.

The Castle In The Sky Is Real
Your people daydream all the time.  In fact, you daydream a lot as most people do without knowing it.  The Castle Fantasy is a real hope, desire and vision for people, it just takes different forms.  The imagination is the intellect playing around, having some fun.  Ask people, what’s your castle in the sky?  Their fancy or unreality might turn up a new vision for your company and associates.  It’s o.k. to have a pipe dream, some wish, some goal or ambition that seems too far to reach.  People delight in fantasy, they marvel at what could be.  It’s called innovation, thinking.

Every Person Is On A Journey- Some Trek
Every person you know, will at the drop of a hat, take a free, first-class prepaid trip to some place elegant and well thought-out.  People travel in their minds, with their feet, with their automobiles and with the jets and trains of the day.  It means people come and go, travel around, move around, walk away, step up and jump out.  People travel and progress out of curiosity of some strange place, some oddity, novelty or some phenomenon, opportunity and treasure maps at the county fair.  Expect people to travel and move on and away from your business.  Not to worry, people you don’t even know are snooping around, coming your way.

No Distribution Rights Allowed - Gregory Bodenhamer Mechanicsburg Pa The Best Small Home Business in America Today

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