Sign Waving Machine $99.00 Gets You Started

Sign Waving Machine $99.00 Gets You Started
Sign Waving Machines Secrets Style Service

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Sign Waving Sign Spinners Sign Swinging Machines, Outdoor Indoor Advertising Signs, The SignTastic Sign Waving Machine would have its first street showing in New York City and then Las Vegas Nevada and the waving of the sign would be a big winner.

The Best and Greatest Sign Waving Sign Spinner Outdoor Machines is the exact seductress to increase your sales and profits.  The SignTastic Sign Waving Machine promptly turned into the treasure map for local companies across North America.
 please contact the factory,

The psychologists can explain the great titillation that is caused by a sign waving sign spinning sign swinging machine for the libido of shoppers around the country.  The libido of shoppers is sex and motion or maybe the motion of sex and danger. What the experts do agree, is that motion is a triggering event for every human being on earth.
If you want to be more daring and grow your business with sign waving advertising and marketing it's not about the business signs in your life it's about the life of motion in your business sign.
The Scientists, Psychologists, Designers and Machinists of the SignTastic Machine Company Mechanicsburg PA USA was rumored to have the greatest sign waving sign spinner sign swinging outdoor advertising machine in history as they winked at the Shark Tank T.V. show.  The Modern, Mobile and Modular manufacturing of the SignTastic Sign Waving Machine is the general purpose sign waving machine you want for business. 
"Goodness has nothing to do with sales!"  the Hollywood guy told the marketing team for SignTastic Machines.  "Goodness has nothing to do with companies making a profit but it has everything to do with people."  "This is a great machine!"  He was convinced that people would just love the machine and all the benefits of a sign spinner without a human directional spinner. 
The bar owners, coffee shops, sub sandwich shops and the others expected  new customers and they wanted their profits to shoot up like fireworks.  The sign waving machines on the market before the SignTastic Machine were not masterful enough to become the high ranking star of the business.  The other machines were contraptions while the SignTastic machine was a well engineered and manufactured machine. 
The group was stunned when the SignTastic Sign Waving machine was turned on and they all smiled.  The lady stood next to the machine playing the part of a mannequin as the sign waved the business sign message. 
The sign waving machine gave its flirtatious twitch and everybody smiled.  The SignTastic sign waving sign spinner sign swinging machine was going to be a box-office smash all across America.
Sign Waving Sign Spinners Sign Swinging Machines, Outdoor Indoor Advertising Signs, The SignTastic Sign Waving Machine would have its first street showing in New York City and then Las Vegas Nevada and the waving of the sign would be a big winner.  The waving and cavorting sign made you look and the imaginations of men and women of the SignTastic Marketing Team and their statisticians laughingly admired the curved lines of the machine.
The SignTastic sign waving machine was surely the loveliest machine on the market today. 
The sign waving machine was designed to work in all types of weather, hot or cold, cleared for snow and ready to go.  All the tests went smoothly and the invitations were sent out to major franchisors on the East coast. 
Going public was a really big deal for SignTastic sign waving sign spinner sign swinging machines but now it was ready to fill up all the front row seats at the presentation.  SignTastic Machines was a for sure Blue-Chip Machine and was the best built and best engineered machine on the planet.
Laid end to end the benefits of the SignTastic Machine simply beat out other machines regarding, attraction, message retention, safety of operations, machine quality, warranty, portability, modular constructions and overall selling price and it was made in America.
The New York Times prodded by the SignTastic Machines marketing department wanted pictures of the machine but the company didn't want to corrupt the national release so they held back. 
Among all the flash lights of cameras and the cheering sidewalk spectators the SignTastic Sign Waving Machine would be set up in from of the Night Court Bar. 
The bar wasn't crammed and jammed so SignTastic set up the sign waving machine and flipped the switch.  Like a bunch of prisoners walking the long green mile people were everywhere but their heads were down checking their cell phones and texting.  It was no wonder the Night Court Bar was almost empty and their sales and profits were also looking down.
Like a long luscious finger the SignTastic Machine wrapped around these street walkers by waving the Night Court sign.  The wiggle waving of the sign made people look, nature demanded it, anything that moves will attract attention and then murmured opinions started flowing. 
Some crackled at the wiggling sign but they all noticed it and some of them stopped and stared.  Just as if the SignTastic machine was glistening with diamonds people started looking, smiling and talking about the joy of a wiggling sign.
The sign message "Enjoy Sex Inside" drew a lot of attention and admirers started to filter inside the Night Court Bar.  The people standing on street corners started moving toward the sign to take a look and those curbstone Romeos really enjoyed the sign.
The newspaper would report the next day that the Night Court Bar remained calm and cheerful with warm smiles as they had to start turning away customers due to overcrowding at around midnight.
The SignTastic Sign Waving Machine brought about a great deal of public attention and amusement for lots of people.  The trial was over but, the shenanigans had just started.  Nonchalantly the SignTastic Sign Waving Machine was set up in the backroom of the Night Court Bar and was plugged into the wall for the simple act of recharging the battery.
The other machines out there tried to match the brilliance of the SignTastic machine but it was patent pending and contract protected. 
The other machines with their drab structures, grinding gears and heavy personalities were thought to be heavy, expensive and unsafe by some.
The SignTastic Sign Waving Sign Spinner Sign Swinging Machine can transform your business, increase your customer counts, gross sales and net profits.  The machine asks for no favors, no breaks, no vacations and no special treatment and performs the perfect task of sign waving sign spinning without any complaints.
Obviously appreciative, please contact the factory,
If you want the thrill of a sign waving machine and not the shock of the price write the factory today for further free information.
It's not about your companies sex appeal.  It's not about the best sandwich or the better haircut, it's not even about the best night club act or lowest furniture prices.
A SignTastic Sign Waving Sign Spinner Sign Swinging Sidewalk Street Side Roadway outdoor sign waving machine takes your business from the shadows and into the light of more customers and profits.
If you want to be more daring and grow your business with sign waving advertising and marketing it's not about the business signs in your life it's about the life of motion in your business sign.

If you want living proof, $99.00 down + affordable shipping gets you started. 

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