Sign Waving Machine $99.00 Gets You Started

Sign Waving Machine $99.00 Gets You Started
Sign Waving Machines Secrets Style Service

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Sign Waving Machine Sign Spinner Machines SignTastic Machines The SignTastic Sign Waving Sign Spinner machine; It's automatic, It's irresistible, It's the triggering event, It's un-modifiable, doesn't get better, It's the stimulus to cause action, It's instinctive, It's everything you've dreamed about, You can profit from the experience. Your sign in motion provides an opportunity for you to stimulate another human being.

Sign Spinners, 
Sign Waving, 
Sign Twirling Machines and Devices 
SignTastic Machines;

Joyce Dorothy Parker Ph.D., 
SignTastic Machines
Mechanicsburg PA USA

Copyright 2015 NDITC Mechanicsburg PA USA

The Scientific and Mechanical research and applications behind the SignTastic Sign Waving Machine can improve your net profits very quickly. The scientists, engineers and machinists of SignTastic Machines have created a mechanism called the sign waving or sign spinner machine.  The entire machine is based on Scientific research purely based on the instinctive behavioral sequence of every human being on earth, even you.  

Did you see that?  
Over there, something moved!  
Your involuntary instinctive behavior makes you look.

Your mind and spirit are always looking for any kind of movement which is a human reflex.  A human reflex means that you always look for motion and you do it without thinking.  The looking for motion is purely instinctive that you do not control because it is a behavioral pattern or a behavioral act of every human being on earth today.

This fixed action pattern, or this similar behavior sequence lives and acts inside of every human being.  Every human being responds to any type of motion through a neural network which is hard-wired and instinctive.

Something in motion like a moving sign sets off a sequence of events that will increase your business and your profits.  The motion of anything is an external event that triggers internal events of sequences inside of every human.

Motion is a sensory stimulus and this stimulus is known as the sign stimulus or releaser.  The terms sign stimulus or re-leaser are used interchangeably.  A sign stimulus is used to denote a feature of the environment that elicits a human response.  Motion is a feature in the environment that will always get a response from a human being, in fact a very particular response.

This movement or motion is a stimulus or incentive to communicate between people or something within the environment.

When a person sees something move in the environment, they notice and in response look for a message.  If you see a tiny little kitten playing with a toy it makes you look but a tiger makes you hide.  The human notices and observes, detects danger or not, and then moves on to take further actions.

A sign stimulus is a message.  A sign stimulus in motion is a powerful human stimulus that demands instant actions.

A business yard sign placed in front of your store delivers a small message retention rate.  On average, research points out that your sign message will be remembered about 20% of the time.

When you employ a sign waving sign spinner machine by SignTastic Machines this same sign will produce a 82% message retention rate.  The movement of the sign by the SignTastic Machine is a powerful force, releasing the sign stimulus or releaser actions of the viewer.

These Fixed Action Patterns of every human called (FAP) happen without any variation. 

A wet dog shaking water from their wet fir is instinctive. 
The little mouse always looks for a cat in motion.
The baby turtle always makes it way to the ocean.
A human being always looks for motion.

This searching for movement is not based on any prior experience per say it's instinctive or hard-wired inside of every human brain.  People don't learn to look for motion, every human is born with the instinct.

Sign Waving and Sign Spinning or Sign Twirling therefore has a direct effect on every human being that will create new customers, better gross revenues and higher net profits.

If you can remember that motion is a stimulus just like a bright light will contract your eye pupil you're getting the idea.  The simple movement of something makes it very important to every human.

Once your message sign is put in motion and seen by a human being the FAP's take over and that's the exact moment when your business message is delivered.  The person cannot stop looking or sufficiently disengage from your sign until your message is delivered.  A lioness sneaks toward you low in the grass so the prey won't notice the motion.  Once motion is detected by the prey the chase is on because the message delivered is danger.

These instinctual traits can create new customers, better revenues and improved profits.  This repeated behavior of noticing motion is the same reason the SignTastic Machine was invented, patent pending and protected by contract.  It's going to create millionaires.

The SignTastic Sign Waving Sign Spinner machine;

It's automatic,

It's irresistible,

It's the triggering event,

It's un-modifiable, doesn't get better,

It's the stimulus to cause action,

It's instinctive,

It's everything you've dreamed about,

You can profit from the experience.

Your sign in motion provides an opportunity for you to stimulate another human being. 

SignTastic Machines

Sign Spinners, Sign Waving, Sign Twirling Machines and Devices from SignTastic Machines;

Joyce Dorothy Parker Ph.D., SignTastic Machines

Copyright 2015 NDITC Mechanicsburg PA USA 


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